Saturday, May 24, 2008

David Cook and his risky business

Ooohhhkay...if you are an AI fan, you're probably puking now from all those comments about David Cook winning and David "Gosh" Archuleta's loss.

I don't really care about the outcome of the finals because I know Cook will have a great career beyond AI. But hell yeah, it was great that he won, if only for the sake of pulling the rag off Simon's feet.

Give David "Gosh" Archuleta a few more years and he'll develop that star material too. Add some dance lessons on the side plus some more youthful energy so he can sing other songs that aren't too depressing. As Simon says (pardon the pun), "taking all these into account", this baklita has a bright future ahead of him.

Eeehneeeeweiii, Cook and his handlers didn't waste time and got to work at once. I found one of Cook's endorsements and I think it's cute! Remember Tom Cruise in Risky Business? The one where he lipsyched to Bob Seger's Old Time Rock n Roll wearing only his shirt, undies and socks? That's the concept of Cook's Guitar Hero ad. Here it is:

And for nostalgia's sake, let's watch the original version:

Errrmm, I think Cook's version is way cooler than Cruise's.

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