Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"A nation of public servants"

You've probably heard/read by now about Chip Tsao's infamous article "The War at Home". Here's an excerpt (I don't know how to enlarge hehe):

I want to give my ten cents about the issue, but I'd rather read about instead. Here are the list of my favorite reads about it:

A copy of the article here:

Ms Veneracion's column in Manila Standard and her blog:

The Professional Heckler's heckling

I love The P-Heckler (naks parang P-Diddy), he is so funny and sarcastic. One of his posts goes:

The Professional Heckler believes that blasting China or its people just because one Chinese columnist bullied his Filipina helper and lambasted the Philippines is not the right thing to do since it won’t resolve any issue. Doing so would make us no less different from him. Huwag maging Chip! But yes, I join millions of Filipinos worldwide in condemning the bigotry of this Mr. Tsao.

The latest: Asia City Publishing Group, publisher of the HK Magazine’s print and online editions, where Chip Tsao’s article “The War at Home” was printed has apologized.

But the writer has not. So to you Mr. Chip Tsao a.k.a. To Kit: “Leche ka! Hindi mo kami nakikilala? Punyeta ka! Hindi kami si Boyet Fajardo! Kami ay mga Pilipino! A tapang na tao and we want you fired!”

More here:

The apology here

This is not the first time that Tsao has put Filipinos and the Philippines on a bad light. Late last year, amidst the controversy of "contaminated milk" from China, he wrote an article at dinamay na naman nya ang Pinas. Read this

Tell me what you think. 2000-word essay on my desk tomorrow, on or before 5pm. Class dismissed! Hahaha.

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