Friday, March 20, 2009

Living below your means

I have some definite (and secret) goals that I want to achieve before this year ends. Unfortunately, the fact that companies are kuripot nowadays in giving bonuses this year doesn't help. So my objective is to live below my means. My mom (and Lica) would always remind me to live WITHIN my means, but times are tougher now so we must try harder and live BELOW our means.

So this is my guideline when I'm thinking of buying something:

1. Can I afford it?
2. Do I really need it?
3. Do I need it now?
4. Do I have something like it already?
5. Can I find a cheaper substitute?
6. Is this the best deal?

Hopefully, I can follow this. God help me. Maybe I can. Just this weekend, I bought four pairs of shoes from Charles & Keith's sale for just $70. Not bad, eh. Just got lucky though--most of the stuff in the sale, as expected, are mostly outdated and don't have my size.

Hey, just a thought--I can also use this 6 questions when it comes to planning for a baby! Hehehe. Like--Can I afford a baby? Do I really need a baby? Do I have something like a baby already? Can I find a cheaper substitute for a baby? Is a child the best deal? Hahaha. I remember this ex-colleague of mine who has actually computed the costs of having a baby--from pregnancy costs to education to sending the kid to the uni, etc. Duh! He and his wife decided not to have a baby. No, he is not Pinoy. Pinoys (generally) loooove having kids.

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